Monday, October 16, 2006

window frame

I play with an endearing little memory and embellish it as I please. I change the seasons around the window frame, each vision a soft snapshot in my mind . I remember the house and driving down a hill in the woods. It was after a play or a concert at the University. We paused at the stop sign before turning left. This much I know is true. It was dark, the house was wrapped around a huge picture window that framed a baby grand piano. The criss-cross window glowed with a warm perfection. Only a moment housing warmth and contentment. Few details hold fast, just an awareness. I can't find the house. I have looked over the years, but the road along the bay has been widened, changed. The mood complete with the refrain in my head of a very old song, Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young's, "Our House". The memory works best wearing a blanket of fresh snow or soft autumn rain. Sometimes I wonder why this memory lingers. Most times I just enjoy it.

Saturday, October 14, 2006

apples and drama...

A birthday and a first homecoming dance. Events of great importance around here. Sarah's ninth birthday party included a trip to the apple orchard. Eight kids + 35 minutes = 104 lbs. of apples. We're raining apples. Giving them to friends, neighbors, partygoers, etc. Applesauce, muffins and a treat for her classmates and I still have a full grocery bag of apples....
Hana is at her first homecoming tonight. Fourteen lends itself to the grand drama of a first all out dress up event. The arrangements and angst have been swirling for the last six weeks. I never thought the night would get here. She looks so beautiful.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Little Golden Books

I used to love to buy the Little Golden Books for my older daughters. Our visits to the grocery store almost always included the (distraction, bribery, joy) of picking out a new little book. These books were just right for chubby hands and diaper bags. We carried them everywhere. Yesterday, I woke up thinking of these little books, the "old" Sesame Street of Miami Mice, and teeny, weeny, super (?) guy on the plastic cup and good old "fozzy bear". My daughters loved these things and I'll admit to missing them a bit.
I searched my usual hiding and storage places for the books, but realized I have given them away over the years. I spent the afternoon searching used book stores and was startled to learn the company has gone out of business. These little books are now "collectibles". I found five of our favorites including one about the seasons. Fall triggered my remembering this little book
and my girls as little girls. I'm thoroughly thrilled with them as adults, but I miss the little things...

Monday, October 02, 2006


October's gift of gold and crimson paints itself in the cool of the night. Surprising warmth ushered in October. Hana, all wrapped up in a wetsuit, braved the cold water for a stealthy ski up the river. I love the colors.