I'm so very far behind. We traveled to Madrid and had a fascinating time exploring the city. Warm, sunny weather felt so great and I try to remember spring will eventually settle in here. It's hard to imagine with the 20 degree temps we now have. I loved visiting the museums, the "Rastro" flea market and the city of "Toledo" about 40 miles from Madrid. It is truly a start to realize the extent of the history unfolding before you as you wind around the ancient streets of that medieval city. Our own U.S. history is a blink compared to the extensive stories of Spain.
Lauren is fine and strong. It was wonderful to see her, but, I wanted to wrap her up and take her home with us. It is getting too long.
I visited two yarn shops and was confused by so many things. The yarn was stacked behind counters all the way up the walls but it was on cones or huge rolls and I'm sure purchased by weight. It is quite daunting to not be able to speak the language. I hope to have the opportunity to travel to Europe again. Next time, I hope I can tuck a little bit of another language in my back pocket to pull out as needed.
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