photo confusion

I am trying mightily to figure out how to post pictures. I think I've got it.
Yesterday was beautiful. The surprising heat and humidity enhancing a glorious trip down the river. The last time I did this, I was so traumatized by the deerflies eating me I haven't been back for at least a decade. The bugs are probably moments from emerging - with this heat and rain they will be huge. Elise and her future college roommate floated downriver from a point above us and we took the canoe into the "brickyard". Sarah caught a load of bluegills and I caught the tree branch twice. Sarah was happy I was along and provided commentary on how I was to conduct myself. Our takeoff was a bit shaky. Sarah and I were carrying a load of stuff down to the water and were freaked out by a frightening little growl emitted from a stack of clay pipe. Outdoorsy is not an adjective used to describe me. We looked at each other and ran back up the hill screaming for Gordon. Apparently, the enormous racoon in residence didn't care for our trek past his house. Sarah was quite sure I had never done this before. I reminded her I had known her father for a looooong time. The walk back upriver was hard. My thighs screaming more than my feet as we pushed upstream. I may even do this trip again. Maybe.