Socks and June

I don't understand this thing knitters have with socks. Yes they are a compact project, but all that work for something you can only wear for a day before you have to wash it.... Now mittens make sense. You can wear them for quite a while before they need to be washed or they are lost. And felting - hides a multitude of sins, you really can't go wrong. So, I don't get the socks.
And the cats.... I love cats and have enjoyed many different cat personality traits, but never had an inkling knitting and cats strangely go together. They are warm on my lap just like the yarn...? I have two dear ones - Puck and Ivy, they are brother and sister (Puck is the black and white one - they were about 8 weeks old in the photo). My other cat is a wild woman named Cleo, who loves to be outside and leads a very adventurous life. She is officially down by three lives (that we know of) We have a deal - I let her out and she doesn't pee in things. She's managed to pee in the dryer, a new COACH purse, and my husband's gym bag. Make that down 4 lives.
June and the beginning of summer. The peonies are in full blush, heavy with last nights rain. They won't last long so I am taking lots of photos to visit in winter.
so the kitties can be a bit bad - but CUTE!!! (we have the same occasional pee were there is not litter problem)
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