cleaning house

I have reached a new low. I finally cleaned my bedroom and realized it has not been thoroughly done since last September. The dust bunnies were full grown and fluttering across the floor. A lovely mixture of dust, pillow feathers and cat fur. I figure the time saved in a twice a year cleaning of a room nobody else sees is worth it. At least it was this time. I actually like my bedroom again.
I'm enjoying this Tahki yarn. I have trouble with cotton and had to ask for a recommendation. This is wonderful. The simple pattern of this top is perfect for a summer project. I may have to make another one.
Hana has her 8th grade farewell dance tonight. The girls all dressed in their finery playing at dress up. Insecurity and hope dancing out the door. Sarah and I hung at the pool. I don't ever remember the pool opening before school let out. It feels like we are playing hooky or something. Surprising how happy being at the pool makes me feel - and at my age.
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